Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!

Woo hoo!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!!!! Today is the first day of Chinese New Year!!! So happy!!! Got ang pau and nice food everywhere!!! Yum Yum!

The past week had been sucky for me... Something happened among some of my friends and made a big fuss about it... But i guess now most of the problem had been settled... Well, it's the beginning of a new year, so we shall forgive and forget and begin with a new life! Anyway, just wanna wish everybody Gong Xi Fa Chai, be blessed with good health, prosperous and good luck! Stay healthy, wealthy and wise! Take care and happy holidays!!!


KNS said...

gong xi fa cai :)

A world that i've seen said...

gong hei fatt choy!
aiya..give forgive ppl..give urself n others a chance for improvement loh..what to do?