Monday, August 22, 2005

Like vs Love

Just received this forwarded email from my friend, Joann... very well said... People always try to find the right defition for like and love... What is like? What is love? What's the difference between them? How do you know it's love when you don't know what is like? There's no accurate definition for like and love, the answer depends on what you think about it? Is love a great thing that everybody must have? Or it is a curse put on every one of us? To shed tears, to endure pain, to sacrifice? You will see this poem in my friend, Joann's blog as well... Here, i translated it in English... Hope you enjoy it...

喜 欢一个人,在 一起的时候 永远是快乐
Being together with the one you like, it will be happy forever
爱一个人, 你会常常流 泪
Being together with the one you love, you will always cry
喜 欢一个人, 当 你们好久 不 见, 你会突 然想 起 他
When you like someone, you will suddenly think of him after not meeting for a long time
爱一个人, 你会天天 想 着 他
When you LOVE someone, you will think of him every single day
喜欢一个人, 当你 想起 他, 你会 微微 一 笑
If you like someone, when you think of him, you will just smile
爱一个人, 当 你 想 起 他, 你 会对 着 天空 发呆
If you love someone, when you think of him, you will be staring into the sky and day dream
喜欢一个人, 你会 想 他 有 了 孩子, 你 一定 会 喜欢
When you like someone, even though he have his own kids, you won't mind
爱 一个人, 会有一天, 你 突然 很 好 奇, 将来 我 们的 孩子 会是 什么 样子?
When you love someone, one day, you will start wondering, how our kids would be like in the future?
喜欢一个人 就是 希 望 大家 都 开心
If you like someone, you hope that both of you are happy
爱一个人 希望 他 会 开心
If you love someone, you hope that he will be happy, with or without you
喜欢一个人, 你要 的 只是 今天
If you like someone, all you want is TODAY
爱一个人, 你 期望 的 是 永 远
If you love someone, what you hope for is ETERNITY
喜欢 一个人, 在 一起 的 时候 会 很 开心
When you like someone, you will be happy when you're together with him/her
爱一个人, 在 一起 的 时候, 会 莫名 的 失落
When you love someone, you will suddenly feel depressed when you're together with him/her
喜欢一个人, 你 不会 想 到 你们 的 将来
When you like someone, you will not think about the future for the both of you
爱一个人, 你们 常常 在 一起 瞳 憬 明天
But when you love someone, the both of you will eager for the coming of tomorrow

Love is a wonderful thing... enjoy... =p

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