It's a tough decision to make.
Really tough.
Dilemma kau kau punya.
Will I be able to be on par?
Fate is really something indescribable.
Love too.
Is it stupidity or that's what it's all about? Unavoidable?
When cupid strikes, you smile to yourself like a mad woman thinking about him.
When it leaves a scar on your heart, it hurts so much but you just can't stop thinking about him too.
You might say you will never fall for him, but it happened.
Why? Being obsessed with a guy who won't call you. You know it won't happen, but you just keep on praying, hoping, wishing.
Work has been okay. Average achievements so far. Currently in the pastry section. Suh-weet! Hmm spell desserts backwards and you'll get? :p Urgh, I have scars all over my hands... clumsy me. Planning, focus, organize, manage, solution... Hardwork!!!
This year really craving to go travelling, be it domestically or internationally. On my mind there's Sabah, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hongkong, Australia, Macau, Switzerland, France... So many places, so little money. Boo... shall make it a yearly plan to travel!!!
More posting coming up!
Current song addicts:
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Boys Like Girls - Two Is Better Than One
~i still need you... i still miss you