Honestly speaking, I have never ever expect myself to be lucky. Well, to be THIS lucky. Previously joined some yu xie tics contest in mags and manage to win 2 VIP tics (kononnya VIP tics but sit in PS3 pulak, not very near jeh chiu), but end up never use also la.
On 21st went for Yu Zhong + Sheila Majid's let's eat music showcase at Palm Square Jaya One. Quite a lot of people, but the crowd quite dead lah. Saw Lee Zhi Qing with his un-makeup face. Wahaha. Some girl came over and ask us to apply Halo Cafe membership and get a chance to win a lucky draw which is Yu Zhong's shirt. Believe it or not, something inside me urged me to apply. It was a really really strange feeling, even I myself can't describe it. I asked F whether she wants or not but she said not necessarily will win also. I asked S but she dowan. I almost give up the plan to apply as the show ended as the membership costs RM35 and the lucky draw was about to begin soon. The urge was still there, and considering the fact that I will be visiting the outlet quite often next month so I went over to Halo Cafe to apply. There was another girl applying at the same time, so the 'lucky' feeling started to fade away, thinking there must be a lot of applications in the box lah.
15 mins later, the lucky draw began. Yu Zhong only pick one winner for one shirt. He gave away 2 shirts but another shirt will be drawn by the Neway organiser i think. We were standing outside Halo so can't really hear what the emcees and Yu Zhong said. 'And the winner is... Xiao...' Ma de, my surname leh. But cannot be lah. So many people has that surname. One of the staff walked out and shouted the name. Ok, maybe someone has that same name too. Wait, it's my name! Oh.. my.. God... Even at the stage I still didn't believe it and asked to check the card again. Lol! What if it's not me leh, very malu one mah. Yu Zhong said 'shi ni lah, shi ni lah' Seriously, on stage your mind is totally blank. You can't see anything down the stage. You get so nervous you don't know what to do, who to face, what to say, where to look at, and when you come down from the stage, you freaking forget what happened few seconds ago. Yu Zhong said 'na hui qu gei nan peng you chuan' I think I just stared at him blankly, didn't say anything, didn't even smile pun. Wth. To those who don't know yet, I am very scared to look at Yu Zhong one. Especially in the eyes.
*breath in breath out*

Well, I guess it's just merely luck at that moment. Thanks Yu Zhong :) RM35 for his baju, totally worth it already la! Hehe!